Bellemeade Meadow Slope Planting

Bellemeade Meadow Slope Planting

Join LERN, City of Richmond Parks & Rec and Friends of Bellemeade Park, to finish planting a native meadow at Bellmeade Park on the hillside above the ballfield. We just need to finish up the area that was planted last fall; We will be planting a couple hundred of our native plant plugs. Meet at the Krouse St entrance to the park at the top of the hill. Parking available on Krouse St, Royal Ave, and inside the park. 

Come prepared to be kneeling and digging in the dirt. Gloves, tools, and water provided.

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Conservation Landscaping for Improved Water Quality

Conservation Landscaping for Improved Water Quality

Conservation Landscaping for Improved Water Quality

Saturday, March 22nd


Come and learn what you can do to make your landscape more sustainable and wildlife-friendly while protecting water quality.  Topics will include:

  • Introduction to the Reedy Creek watershed and water quality

  • Native plants and their vital role in healthy ecosystems

  • Conservation landscaping solutions for stormwater runoff problems

  • Site selection, preparation, plant selection, and maintenance for a successful conservation landscaping project

  • Identification and removal methods for invasive plants

  • Habitat restoration in Crooked Branch Ravine Park

The workshop will also include a walk to look at some native plants and invasive plants growing in Forest Hill Park and to identify potential stormwater issues.  Please come prepared with comfortable shoes and dress for the weather.

Workshop will be provided by Stacey Moulds and Bill Shanabruch of Local Ecotype Richmond Natives (LERN) and Suzette Lyon of the Reedy Creek Coalition (RCC).

Space is limited and registration is required.  Registration is $15 and will support the work of Local Ecotype Richmond Natives and the Reedy Creek Coalition.

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Stone House in Forest Hill Park

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Documentary Screening followed by Panel Discussion Richmond Invasive Species Awareness Week (RISAW)

Documentary Screening followed by Panel Discussion Richmond Invasive Species Awareness Week (RISAW)

Join The James River Park System Invasive Plant Task Force for our second annual RISAW Documentary Screening on Monday, 3/3/25 at Studio Two Three.

  • The feature documentary starts at approximately 6pm, followed by a panel discussion, beginning around 7pm.

  • Panelists: Kevin Heffernan, biologist, VA Dept. of Conservation and Recreation Natural Heritage; Bill Shanabruch, president and co-founder LERN (Local Ecotype Richmond Natives); and Kristi Orcutt, owner and herd manager, RVA Goats. Moderated by Laura Greenleaf, IPTF founder and member of JRPS invasive management team.

  • All ages are welcome, but the target audience of the documentary is high school to adult.

  • More info:

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Kickoff Event for Richmond Invasive Species Awareness Week (RISAW)

Kickoff Event for Richmond Invasive Species Awareness Week (RISAW)

Join LERN and the James River Park Service Invasive Species Task Force as we kick off the third annual Richmond Invasive Species Awareness Week (RISAW), at Pony Pasture with informative nature walks, invasive species quizzes, RVA Goats, volunteer opportunities, and more! This event is family friendly and open to all ages without registration. There is plenty of parking in the Pony Pasture Parking Lot located at 7310 Riverside Drive.

Approximate Schedule:

1PM: Invasive Species Removal Volunteer Event (advance registration required)

1:15PM: Guided Nature Walk led by Joey Thompson of DCR

2PM: Guided Nature Walk led by Kevin Heffernan of DCR

2:30PM: Chat with Kristi Orcutt of RVA Goats about the benefits of using sheep and goats to control invasive plants

For more information about the entire weeklong event: Invasives Week - JRPS Invasive Plant Task Force

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Conservation Landscaping Workshop

Conservation Landscaping Workshop

Come and learn what you can do to make your landscape more sustainable and wildlife-friendly while protecting water quality. 

Pre-Registration is required. Cost is $16 per person.

Topics will include:

  • Native plants and their vital role in healthy ecosystems

  • Native plants of local ecotype vs. cultivars

  • Conservation landscapes serve many purposes (e.g. stormwater management and improved water quality, wildlife habitat, ease of maintenance, aesthetics, carbon storage, saving money)

  • Identification and removal methods for non-native invasive plants

  • Considerations in selecting a site for conservation landscaping

  • Site preparation to ensure success and minimize maintenance

  • Native plant communities and resources to select the native plants that will work for your purposes

  • Establishment and maintenance of a successful conservation landscape

The workshop will also include a walk to look at some native plants and invasive plants growing nearby and to discuss solutions to stormwater challenges.  Please come prepared with comfortable shoes and layers to stay warm.

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Volunteers Needed to Help Move Our Nursery! Friday and Saturday Afternoons

Volunteers Needed to Help Move Our Nursery! Friday and Saturday Afternoons

Volunteers are needed to help continue LERN move our plant nursery! We made good progress last weekend but we still have more to move.

Please indicate if you have a pickup truck , transport van or even the back seat/hatchback of your car and are willing to use it for the move.

We also need to disassemble the hoophouse so a couple people who are good at building things (or taking things apart) are needed with this activity.

Volunteers should all meet at CreateSpace (607 Wickham Street), load up plants and other supplies, drive to Northside Nursery (810 Forest Lawn Drive) and unload, then repeat the process!

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Volunteers Needed to Help Move Our Nursery! Friday and Saturday Afternoons
to Jan 18

Volunteers Needed to Help Move Our Nursery! Friday and Saturday Afternoons

Volunteers are needed to help LERN move our plant nursery!

Please indicate if you have a pickup truck , transport van or even the back seat/hatchback of your car and are willing to use it for the move.

Volunteers should all meet at CreateSpace (607 Wickham Street), load up plants and other supplies, drive to Northside Nursery (810 Forest Lawn Drive) and unload, then repeat the process!

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Meadow Planting at Unitarian Universalist Community Church in Glen Allen

Meadow Planting at Unitarian Universalist Community Church in Glen Allen

  • Unitarian Universalist Community Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We didn’t quite finish up and need a few more hands to finish planting native plant plugs in the wetter area of the slope. All plants that will be installed are of local ecotype and are grown by LERN and Mouton Hot Natives.

Once established, these meadows will provide lots of year-round beauty and interest for church members and visitors as well as much needed habitat for the local wildlife. These meadows will improve the local environment by reducing air pollution (less mowing), improving water infiltration and reducing water runoff and soil erosion. A win-win by all measures!

Dress comfortably and in clothes that you are prepared to get dirty in. Many tools will be provided, but bring your favorite hand trowel and trenching shovel if you’ve got them along with your favorite well-fitting gloves. Water will be provided but please bring your own bottle to reduce waste.

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Meadow Planting at Unitarian Universalist Community Church in Glen Allen
to Nov 16

Meadow Planting at Unitarian Universalist Community Church in Glen Allen

  • Unitarian Universalist Community Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

labyrinth at UUCC

Help us install two meadows in locations on the church grounds that were formerly mown lawn areas with steep slopes. Volunteer for one day, two, or all three days!

Day 1 (Thursday, November 14th) we will remove the sileage tarps that were placed earlier in the summer to kill the grass from solarization. Then we will install erosion control cloth made out of coconut fiber to prevent erosion while the plants get established. Days 2 and 3 (Friday November 15th and Saturday, November 16th) we will plant some shrubs and lots of plugs! All plants that will be installed are of local ecotype and are grown by LERN and Mouton Hot Natives.

Once established, these two meadows will provide lots of year-round beauty and interest for church members and visitors as well as much needed habitat for the local wildlife. These meadows will improve the local environment by reducing air pollution (less mowing), improving water infiltration and reducing water runoff and soil erosion. A win-win by all measures!

Dress comfortably and in clothes that you are prepared to get dirty in. Many tools will be provided, but bring your favorite hand trowel and trenching shovel if you’ve got them along with your favorite well fitting gloves. Water will be provided but please bring your own bottle to reduce waste.

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Bellemeade Park Hillside Meadow Planting

Bellemeade Park Hillside Meadow Planting

Slope at Bellemeade Park right after erosion control matting has been installed on Oct 15, 2024

Join LERN, City of Richmond Parks & Rec and Friends of Bellemeade Park, to establish a native meadow at Bellmeade Park on the hillside above the ballfield. We will be planting hundreds of native plant plugs as well as native shrubs provided by LERN and Moulton Hot Natives. Meet at the Krouse St entrance to the park at the top of the hill. Parking available on Krouse St, Royal Ave, and inside the park. 

Come prepared to be kneeling and digging in the dirt. Gloves, tools, and water provided.

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Bellemeade Park Hillside Meadow Planting

Bellemeade Park Hillside Meadow Planting

Slope at Bellemeade Park right after erosion control matting has been installed on Oct 15, 2024

Join LERN, City of Richmond Parks & Rec and Friends of Bellemeade Park, to establish a native meadow at Bellmeade Park on the hillside above the ballfield. We will be planting hundreds of native plant plugs as well as native shrubs provided by LERN and Moulton Hot Natives. Meet at the Krouse St entrance to the park at the top of the hill. Parking available on Krouse St, Royal Ave, and inside the park. 

Come prepared to be kneeling and digging in the dirt. Gloves, tools, and water provided.

For Saturday, Sign up through Friends of Bellemeade Conserve and Create Signup post also available as the button at the top.

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Richmond Tree Week Event: Workshop & Tree Planting

Richmond Tree Week Event: Workshop & Tree Planting

Join LERN and The Reedy Creek Coalition for a 1-hr walking tour through Crooked Branch Ravine, one of Richmond’s hidden gems. Topics covered during the walk will include tree identification, the role of trees in protecting water quality and reducing heat islands and the impact of invasive plants on the tree canopy. The second hour will be devoted to removing some English ivy plants that are threatening a high-quality forested area of the park. We will also plant some small trees and shrubs to enhance the understory.

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Do you know of an upcoming event where you think we would be a good fit to sell our plants or provide educaitonal outreach on native plants and invasive species? Let us know!