About LERN plants and what makes them different

This article is reproduced from the RCE website with some updates.

All gardeners have experienced the heartbreak of watching helplessly as new plants wither and die in their landscape. The potential list of reasons for failure is long; but it starts with the initial quality of the plant and how it was treated in the nursery.

Soil Matters: You want plants that thrive AFTER they are planted in your landscape.

All nurseries want to sell plants that “look” good. But sometimes the methods used to achieve this goal produce an inferior plant with reduced chances of survival in the real world. First of all, many nurseries use artificial soils that are very “light,” which makes it easy for the roots to grow. As a result, the plants need to be watered frequently; the plants are not exposed to “living soil” with its diversity of microorganisms; and the roots never have to work at pushing through heavy soils.  Secondly, the plants are often provided with a steady dose of synthetic fertilizers that stimulate lots of green growth and blooms to make them look attractive. In some cases, the plants are provided minimal exposure to rain and wind as well. Then the poor, unsuspecting gardener takes the naïve, chemically-addicted plant home and puts it in a hole in the ground. Good luck!!

By contrast, LERN uses local soil to nurture its plants. Our pots are “heavy” because the soil contains a combination of clay, silt, sand, and organic material which holds more water than typical potting soils. In addition, it is anticipated that the soil harbors a typical community of microorganisms. Organic fertilizers such as compost are used sparingly to amend soils as needed to maintain healthy plants, and all plants are grown outside with exposure to the prevailing weather, year-round. The only exception is the occasional, short-term use of row covers when winter temperatures threaten to kill plants that are vulnerable while in pots. In short, LERN plants are grown under the most natural conditions possible to avoid unnecessary shocks when plants get placed in their new homes. You would not raise a child in a bubble – so why purchase plants grown under completely artificial conditions?

Size Matters: Plant Small and Grow Some Patience.

Another common reason for the failure of nursery-grown specimens is that plants can become “potbound” and develop “circling” or “girdling” roots. This problem can be especially fatal for trees, but the symptoms often won’t appear for several years. Ultimately, the property owner is left with a dead tree that may have been very expensive and is no longer under warranty. Worse yet, property owner may take the blame for a fatality that was the result of poor nursery practices and conclude that she has a “brown” thumb.

While there are planting practices that can help overcome plants with girdling roots (see this PDF), the best solution is to buy a plant without the problem. Start by fighting the temptation to buy the largest plant available. The larger the plant, the longer it has been confined in pots and the more likely it has become potbound with circling roots. Also, larger plants cost more and require frequent watering to become established. It takes a lot of water to maintain all that foliage on a larger plant.  Why spend your time watering plants when you could be the one enjoying a cool drink on a hot day?

The LERN philosophy is that small is better. Establishing a plant in its permanent home as early as possible minimizes maintenance and maximizes success. In addition, it allows us to sell plants for a reasonable price that will require less watering to get established. In exchange, your part of the bargain is to develop patience. Instead of demanding an instant landscape or instant shade tree, enjoy the process of watching your plants grow up. For perennials and grasses, small RCE plants will catch up by the second growing season. For trees and shrubs, it may take a little longer depending on the species.

With most plants, our goal is to sell them by the end of the first growing season – before there is an opportunity to become potbound. (The one exception is slower growing trees and shrubs – e.g., azaleas or blueberries.)


Plant Sale to celebrate the launch of our Website!


Some backstory: How did LERN get established?